Donnell Ann BellDonnell Ann BellDonnell Ann BellDonnell Ann Bell

We've Got This, World

I think the hardest thing to deal with regarding the Coronavirus is whether you’re an extrovert or an introvert. This will be harder on extroverts obviously. Thank you to the experts researching this virus, the caretakers, the first responders and the grocery store workers who deserve combat pay.

Am I worried? Certainly. About my loved ones and the children who don’t eat if they don’t go to school. I’m already checking into that to see how I can make a difference.

Am I inconvenienced? Not in the least. Taking precautions and using the five tips saves lives.

  • Wash hands (twenty seconds)
  • Self-quarantine if you feel sick
  • Refrain from touching your face
  • Carry hand sanitizer
  • Stock up on essentials (but please don’t hoard).


If you’re well, you might even venture on walks and check out the outdoors. When I walk through the nature reserve near my home I often look for jack rabbits. They’re fast critters and I rarely get a photo. Yesterday, after spotting one, I started snapping so fast and voila! I take this as a sign that things are looking up.

jack rabbit

Finally, be kind to each other. This too will pass and we just might be stronger for it.  #kindnesskillscovid

~ Donnell



Categories: Writing Life
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