Donnell Ann BellDonnell Ann BellDonnell Ann BellDonnell Ann Bell

We Are the Environment

Long before climate change was part of our news cycle and Captain Planet became a part of our children’s lives, I had a deep and abiding respect for the environment.

I didn’t show up at protests or carry a sign, I carried a bag, and every time I walked (still do) I picked up trash. I’d love to say I was altruistic and thought of the idea on my own, but that would be untrue. I got the idea from a wonderful public service announcement in the 1970s that affected me to my core.

I’ve never forgotten the depicted image of a Native America paddling his boat through polluted waters.

organ mountains

View of the Organ Mountains on my walk

I’m not alone in this endeavor. I often see my neighbors picking up trash. The Mesilla Valley Audubon Society often meets to take part in Toss No Mas. My husband volunteers for the Bureau of Land Management, and on his hikes, picks up trash left on the trails and cleans up graffiti.

I love to walk in a reserve the City of Las Cruces has built for its citizens’ enjoyment.  A slice of nature in the heart of my neighborhood. I also love how easy the City makes it to dispose of garbage.

Keep Las Cruces Beautiful

I can’t stop the waters from rising or the world from cooling or warming, but I can do my share so that trash doesn’t make its way into our rivers and oceans.

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One comment I read in relation to the Earth Day, anti-litter campaign said, “I’ve never been able to litter after that video.”

Me either! If we look at the big picture, it’s daunting. I choose to look at it this way. We can make a difference if we  don’t litter in the first place, and recognize We Are the Environment.

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