Donnell Ann BellDonnell Ann BellDonnell Ann BellDonnell Ann Bell

The Story behind Robbers & Cops

hfmff masonry e1654841038480Ha! I love my friend George Cramer and his psychic self. Better yet, he knew I was up to my eyelashes and provided today’s interview. Yes, these ARE questions I would have asked, if given the chance. But George and I have covered several topics via email─I just didn’t know the backstory. In one instance, though, George and my psychic transmission appeared to falter. I would never have written, “So, George, you seem busy . . . .”  See my edit below in the blog.  Please welcome Author George Cramer as he talks about his newest release, Robbers & Cops!  ~ Donnell

George Cramer: Thanks for inviting me, Donnell. I’ve always enjoyed visiting your blog.

Writing at Sea 2 002

Author George Cramer

DAB:  Tell us a little about yourself, and then give us the low down on how Robbers and Cops came to be.

George Cramer: After a forty-year investigative career in both law enforcement and private investigations, I stumbled into writing. I conducted thousands of investigations throughout both north and South America and Asia. After retirement, I kept my skills honed, volunteering as a Missing Person’s investigator at a California Police Department. It was an experience I’ll never forget.

My most recent work, Robbers and Cops, was released last month, and I was honored and thrilled to receive the following review from my friend and brilliant author, Mike Black; here’s what Mike had to say:

A fascinating odyssey of complex characters—robbers and cops, that spans five decades in its telling. Imagine if Elmore Leonard had written The Grapes of Wrath, tossed in a dash of The Naked and the Dead, and finished up morphing into a pure Joseph Wambaugh police procedural… Do yourself a favor and pick up Robbers and Cops, by George Cramer. It’s a sure fire, can’t-put-it-down, winner.

~ Michael A. Black, Amazon bestselling author as A.W. Hart, and the Trackdown series under his own name Devil’s VendettaDevil’s BreedDevil’s ReckoningChimes at Midnight, and Blood Trails.

George Cramer: When we last chatted, Donnell, you asked me the impetus behind my latest release, Robbers and Cops. The story began at the beginning of the last decade when I had the most incredible job one could imagine. I managed investigations and security for Palm, Inc. When we got bought out, I was laid off. And it was at the age of sixty-eight that I learned the reality behind the term age discrimination, which is a story for another time.

After about a year, I came upon what I thought was a resume writing course at the Dublin Senior Center. I signed up, intending to perfect my resume. Oops, it was a creative writing class. I fell in love with writing, and my future life was changed forever. I immediately began writing a crime story whose protagonist was based entirely on George Cramer. After about forty thousand words, I was bored to death with this character. I had to do something.

Despite already having a B.A., I enrolled in several English classes at our local community college. With these classes, suffice it to say, I saw a vast improvement in my writing and got a new protagonist for Robbers and Cops; as a result, saying goodbye to George Cramer.

i immediately began writing a crime story whose protagonistInspired by a photograph of two young girls gazing at the Mona Lisa, I sketched a story that ultimately became my first published novel, The Mona Lisa Sisters.

And so I set Robbers and Cops aside for eight years. As an enrolled descendant of the Karuk Tribe of California, I chose to attend the Institute of American Indian Arts, earning my MFA in Creative Writing. The Mona Lisa Sisters became my thesis project.

After a year of failed queries, Mona was published by Russian Hill Press, a small publisher.

It was time for me to return to work on Robbers and Cops. Two years later, I was back in touch with Russian Hill Press, where we got started on the post-production work. I’d forgotten how time-consuming and intense the process from completed manuscript to publication can be—another round of beta reads, rewrites, and line editing followed by yet . . . more rewrites. We then tackled cover design, which included multiple revisions, blurbs, and combing through other materials for the back cover. Then came the proof copy, and you guessed it, more corrections.

DAB: So, George, you [seem] ARE busy. What’s next?

George Cramer: I plan to release New Liberty, the first in the Hector Miguel Navarro Trilogy, in early 2023. I have the first book 90% complete, the second about 50%, and respectfully decline to answer the question about Book III.

DAB:  Understood. I know all about the challenge of writing that third book! Thanks for being my guest today AND providing our interview:) Can’t wait to dig into Robbers & Cops.  Also, check out his amazing trailer!!!

Link to Robbers and Cops trailer:

Thank you for being my guest, George. And fellow readers, I have yet ANOTHER SURPRISE. I was so excited about Robbers and Cops, I purchased TWO copies. So, for everyone who comments this week, I’ll enter you in a contest to with George’s newest release. (U.S. only, please.)

About the Book:

Untitled design 12Robbers and Cops is the story of two downtrodden Steinbeckian characters, their descent into criminality, and the determined efforts of law enforcement to bring them to justice.

Rural Georgia 1930: Two brothers, prohibition era gangsters, dreaming of fortune and a way out, enlist in the U.S. Marines under false names. Wounded and captured, they are sent to Federal Prison. Upon their release, they return to their obsession of robbing banks and evading the law. A vicious circle of crime and punishment, and a decades-long manhunt. 

“Outstanding! An intriguing game of cat and mouse between a pair of bank robbers and multiple law enforcement agencies over the course of decades. Deftly plotted and effortlessly shifting between decades, Robbers and Cops is a page-turning suspense novel and a nuanced character study. Al Smith is a competent, tenacious, and flawed police detective who is worth rooting for. The police work is authentic, and the Bay Area setting is as perfectly drawn as a sunset over the Golden Gate. George Cramer is at the top of his game. Highly recommended.” ~ Sheldon Siegel, NY Times Best Selling Author of the Mike Daley, Rosie Fernandez novels

Where to contact George:




Amazon: George Cramer: Books, Biography, Blog, Audiobooks, Kindle



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George Cramer
George Cramer
1 year ago
Reply to  Donnell

Thanks, Donnell – It’s great being your guest.

Jim Guigli
Jim Guigli
1 year ago

George is a favorite of mine, since sharing time with him at our PSWA Conferences in Las Vegas. If I don’t win a book I will be buying a copy.

George Cramer
George Cramer
1 year ago
Reply to  Jim Guigli

Thanks, Jim; PSWA is a hoot. And congratulations on your short story prowess.

1 year ago

Thank you for sharing your story. I look forward to reading Robbers and Cops.

George Cramer
George Cramer
1 year ago
Reply to  Steve

Steve, let me know what you think of the characters. Thanks

1 year ago

It sounds like a great book. I enjoy looking at stories from the bad guys’ side of things!

George Cramer
George Cramer
1 year ago
Reply to  P.J.

Well, P.J., you will get quite a look at the Tucker Brothers.

1 year ago

What a fascinating backstory! Thank you for giving us this window into the lives of both you and your characters.

George Cramer
George Cramer
1 year ago
Reply to  Kathleen

Kathleen, life has given me many experiences that have made my life an adventure-filled ride. Let me know if you recognize my adventures in Robbers and Cops.

Michael A. Black
Michael A. Black
1 year ago

Great interview Donnell and George. I had the pleasure of interviewing George on his own blog a few weeks ago. I already ordered my copy of Robbers and Cops even though I already read the ARC. It’s one of the few books I won’t mind reading a second time. Good luck with the new one, George.

George Cramer
George Cramer
1 year ago

Mike, your support and friendship contributed to the completion of Robbers. Thanks for all you’ve done for me and my writing quest.

1 year ago

I’m totally convinced. I’m getting this book. If I win the book, all the better. When will that decision be made? I loved the journey you took to write this book. I had a similar journey, but ended up self-publishing. I’ve read so many of George’s blogs and enjoy his visits to other blogs. I especially enjoyed when Mike Black turned the tables on George. Keep up the great work George and thank you Donnell for having this man on your blog.

George Cramer
George Cramer
1 year ago
Reply to  Joe

Joe, please send me a note so I can enjoy your writing. And thanks for your kind and generous comments.
Isn’t Donnell a joy? I love her Friday Friends and their posts.

George Cramer
George Cramer
1 year ago

My apologies to Donnell and the visitors. I thought I had, but the week of the 4th was beyond hectic. I love what Donnell had to say and enjoyed all the comments. It is no excuse, but Robbers and Cops was released on the first, and I was on a podcast (first time ever) on the sixth. I have to admit being on Donnell’s Friends was a fantastic adventure.

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