Donnell Ann BellDonnell Ann BellDonnell Ann BellDonnell Ann Bell

Home Schooling: Who's Teaching Whom?

Help From My Friends Friday.

Author Ann Malley joins me today on Help From My Friends Friday. I met Ann years ago over the critique table.  Writing a book is a huge commitment. Homeschooling three children, even more so. I asked her about the paradox between writing and homeschooling. Was it worth it? Read on. ~ Donnell 

By: Ann Malley

Ann Malley

Author Ann Malley

Homeschooling my kids taught me the most…about writing and life.

I’m not shy. Ask anyone. But when my kiddos flew the nest—my youngest left in March of this year—I hid from life. My life. Covid-19 lockdown was the excuse. Sniffing, moaning, and revisiting my children’s rooms and the home library filled with endless reminders of what was no more became routine. Meanwhile, I convinced myself that, when the world returned to normal, I’d take a class. On campus. I’d volunteer. Go back to the outside workforce. Maybe work at a wildlife rescue.

If you believe that, at least coming from me, I have more than a bridge to sell you…just kidding. I have plenty I’m avoiding right here at home and fur babies to boot. And conscience keeps me from fleecing anyone, except myself, apparently.

Procrastination is another way to say, “Sorry, not sorry. Not gonna do it.” If you’re nodding yes at the obvious, thanks for keeping things real. Life doesn’t stop when the kids leave, even if the house is upside down. What else do you call clean for the first time in two decades?

But empty nesting hit me hard. Harder since home schooling transformed my kids into my best friends and truest teachers. And the lessons are coming fast-and-furious. Can you say writing coaches? My three knew from the crib about Mom’s writing thing, before being subject to my childhood picture book. The Blob was a rip from the 1958 classic B movie of the same name. I added a princess because, hey, why not.

That’s my attitude about many things, but always with the stories I’ve made up from childhood onward. I’m a genre junkie. Trying new things because…why not? My students lived Mom’s obsession. The go-to when I needed a break or the best escape ever on tight budget spinning around more than the absence of cash. (If you ever need a child to give you writing time, hint that a trip to Disney World weighs in the balance and you’ll have it. Shame on me. I’m still striving for trip cash. There’s no tucking anyone on a hide-a-bed these days. Too big.)

My first attempt at a novel—a never published historical rife with hormonally deranged purple prose—happened during an impossible pregnancy. The second in an ongoing struggle with infertility that saw me miscarry my first. Heartbreak and hope broke all at once. I could get pregnant. Huge lesson. But try being shy when those regions you’d rather not share become the highlight of increasing doctor visits. Gak.

But, hey, I achieved my goal. Melanie, Gwendolyn, and Nicholas—our baby boy bonus, considering I didn’t have to visit a doctor for him to appear—made their debut. And now their exit. But not really.  Melanie, business to the bone, insists I take my business seriously. We brainstorm plots, futures, and all manner of fun stuff long distance. Middle child Gwendolyn tutors me on Photoshop techniques for crafting book covers in the near future. And our son? “Don’t doubt. Write what you want,” he says with an emphasis beyond his 21 years. “If it makes you happy, do it!”

That’s the plan. That’s the lesson. Get on with your business, embrace learning, and teach your kids that life doesn’t stop when seasons change. They’ll be where I am someday and I hope to have taught them well!

Homeschooling Tips

This is one of the kid’s shelves in our library. The JUNIOR CLASSICS are the same ones my parents had in our small shelf when I was growing up. The youngest of eight kids and I scored the books. (Nancy Drew, Trixie Beldon, Cherry Aimes, and Hardy Boys are on another shelf. Wild West American History, Medieval, Art, and assorted Histories are also in that room.)

Olivia Ann Malley

The following is a homeschooling tips book my fellow Winged Publications authors put together. A pay-it-forward tribute to lessons learned…. And only .99 cents! Great gift for those you love who may be going nuts. (I know I did.)sissors ann malley BUY LINK

The BLOB Movie Poster Circa 1958

The Blob Ann Malley

Viewed far too young thanks to my being the youngest of eight kids. Home “schooled” is what I was long before putting on my St. Martin School uniform!

About the Book:

Mercy NationBODYGUARD or CLEVER KIDNAPPER? A run-for-your-life romance with fake relationships, forced proximity, and wholesale human trafficking that pits enemies against lovers

Pampered Mercedes “Mercy” de Pablo vows to live her way in the aftermath of her mother’s suicide. She won’t cede control of MERCY NATION. The global charity her mother built helps trafficked women and children. A wonderful thing. Or so Mercy has been told at the convent school where she was raised. Her lawyer’s insistence that Mercy walk away only makes her more determined.

Whatever’s up with MERCY NATION, she’ll find out.

Only .99 cents on #Amazon FREE on #KU






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