Donnell Ann BellDonnell Ann BellDonnell Ann BellDonnell Ann Bell

Writing Life


When Water and Walls Speak

T.K Thorne is my blog partner on The Stiletto Gang. I love how she sees the world and compares most of it to her writing life. A beautiful blog from a gifted writer....

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Tuxie: A Scared Little Cat Comes into her Own

Friends, I’d like you to meet my friend Brooke. Brooke makes me laugh especially when she regales me with stories…

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Dialogue: A Writer's Best Friend

We’ve all been there. Stuck in a business or social setting where someone asks a question or makes a statement…

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A Funny Thing Happened . . .

. . . On my way to writing my next book. My husband decided to retire, wanted to relocate; my…

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