Donnell Ann BellDonnell Ann BellDonnell Ann BellDonnell Ann Bell

Spreading a little Hope during Hopelessness

Hi, everyone, I recently lost a dear friend to COVID-19. He spent 20 days in the hospital in Colorado Springs and eventually lost his fight to COVID pneumonia. During all that time his wife and children couldn’t see him, and it’s been a rough time. The loss feels insurmountable.

road sign 940630 480I share this terrible time because after that I went looking for answers and spoke with a doctor friend of mine. He is a retired hospitalist with more degrees than I have fingers, and has advanced degrees in addition to his medical diploma. Anyway, he participated in the testing from Moderna, and is fairly sure he got the vaccine rather than the placebo. He received his first shot in August, his arm swelled up and he had shingles-like reaction on his arm, the second dose he took in September, with a similar reaction, and in October they drew blood to see if he was producing antibodies. He talked about the biology behind the vaccines, talked about all the testing going on between Moderna, Johnson & Johnson, Oxford, etc. which though way over my head, was reassuring that the scientists are close.

A DEA friend of mine recommended that we all get flu shots so if we get the flu we don’t panic and think it’s COVID. I’m not saying everyone should get a vaccine if you’re anti-vaccine, or have health concerns, but my husband and I have already taken our flu shots. And my husband, after hearing our friend’s story, signed up for the testing.

I like to remember that behind these screens are flesh and blood human beings with feelings, and who may be fighting battles we know nothing about. I love the saying, in a world where you can be anything, be kind. Have a good Saturday.

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Lena Diaz
Lena Diaz
3 years ago

Donnell, condolences on your loss. I’m so sorry. Thank you for trying to share some light amidst the darkness. Hugs.

3 years ago

Thank you, Lena xo

Nancy Quatrano
Nancy Quatrano
3 years ago

Thank you so much for sharing this Donnell. I’m very sorry for your loss. So many of us have lost loved ones to Covid, be they family or friends, and not being able to be with them may be the hardest part. Thank you for sharing a light.

Susan Oleksiw
Susan Oleksiw
3 years ago

I’m sorry you lost your friend. Thank you for sharing an inside look at the vaccine trials.

Debra H. Goldstein
Debra H. Goldstein
3 years ago

Sorry for the loss of your friend – sounds like he fought until the end. i feel for his family and the distancing they were forced to do… Appreciate the look and encouragement about the vaccine world

Laurie Wood
Laurie Wood
3 years ago

I’m so, so sorry for the loss of your friend, Donnell. And I feel for his wife and family as well. Here’s hoping a vaccine is found that will work and start to make a dent in this pandemic. And good for you and your husband for getting the flu shot! We’ve all had it as well, even though I had a short 24 hr reaction. It’s much better than getting the actual disease. {{{hugs}}}

Kierstin Marquet~Author
Kierstin Marquet~Author
3 years ago

Donnell, I’m so sorry for your loss and glad you are looking for positives. I know you had some significant challenges earlier this year, and might be getting really good and dealing with these rough patches. Thanks for your uplifting words! You reach more people than you know.

Skye Taylor
Skye Taylor
3 years ago

Thanks for the hope in the face of this ongoing threat. I will be first in line when they open the doors for getting the vaccine. I’m sorry for your loss and pray that eventually the good memories will outweigh the painful ones at the end.

Kaye George
Kaye George
3 years ago

My sympathies on the extra tragic loss of your friend. I can’t thank you enough for taking part in the trials. This is so important.

Peggy Hendricks
Peggy Hendricks
3 years ago

Donnell, I’m so sorry for your loss. Hugs to you, your family and his family. Thanks for the info. It all helps.

Claire A Murray
Claire A Murray
3 years ago

A heartbreaking story, Donnell, and one of oh, so many. My sympathy to you and your friend’s family and friends. For his family not to have been able to see him, touch him, hold his hand while he was fighting for his life is so tragic.

Brave are those who are participating in the trials. I will keep them in my prayers, too.

Your reminder to be kind is the right touch, so thank you for that.

Sandy Marshall
Sandy Marshall
3 years ago

So sorry for the loss of your friend. Thank you for sharing your thoughts and the encouraging information on a vaccine. Your husband is doing a brave and noble thing, helping to move us all to a safer and happier time. Until we can all come out of our hidey holes again, take care of yourself and your sweet family, and stay strong

Kathy Bennett
Kathy Bennett
3 years ago

I’m sorry for the loss of your friend. I’m so hopeful that a vaccine/s are around the corner.

sarah andre
sarah andre
3 years ago

Thank you for sharing this, Donnell, and I am so sorry to hear of your friend’s death. I cannot fathom the grief of these poor families who do not get to say goodbye in person- that’s the most tragic thing in the middle of this.

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