Donnell Ann BellDonnell Ann BellDonnell Ann BellDonnell Ann Bell

Help From My Friends Friday

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Welcome to Help From My Friends Friday where I’ll introduce you to the interesting people I meet or have a special guest segment.

But first, a special announcement: This week I submitted my proofs for my upcoming novel. Then I was a guest on Las Cruces’s ​community radio show KTAL-LP 101.5 FM along with Friends of the Library President John Jaffe to talk about Celebrate Authors. This event will be held in the Thomas Branigan Memorial Library Roadrunner Room from 2 to 4 on Sep. 8, 2019.  Special thanks to Rob Hinton host of Chicken Pot Pie for inviting me and helping Friends and Authors spread the word about our books.

zFile0001Speaking of local authors, I had so much fun last week. I connected with Dorothy Ance Webb, over Thai food no less, to talk about our shared love of mystery.  Like me, Dorothy grew up in Northern New Mexico. She is also the creator of the Darcy Redbird Mystery series

About CHINDII Woman.

Darcy Redbird, a Lakota raised in Chicago, has come to the Navajo Reservation to findIMG 1498 002 e1567804605613 the cause of her brother Joe’s fatal accident in a dangerous canyon. She quickly learns that many similar accidents have also occurred there. The police report that Joe’s and the other accidents were blamed on alcohol, yet Joe didn’t drink. The local Navajos believe the spirit of the Chindii Woman is taking her revenge on the young men who dare to travel through the canyon at night. Darcy lacks knowledge of any Native American culture, and doesn’t believe in spirits. Now, with the help of her Navajo neighbor, Raymond Tsosie, Darcy uncovers disturbing clues that put them in danger and tests her belief in the perceptible.

About Shadow Man.

shadow man 1A silent killer has taken the life of the beloved high school softball coach in the quiet Navajo community of Black Horse. Soon, Darcy Redbird’s tribal sister, Susan Little Bull is arrested for the murder of her married boyfriend. If Darcy hadn’t been run off the road by a Shadow man, she could have provided an alibi for her sister. In trying to prove Susan innocent, Darcy’s investigation is hampered by the FBI insisting the killer has been arrested, her boyfriend and former policeman, Raymond Tsosie and continued appearances from the Shadow Man. Her perception of the Native spirits is tested and her life endangered as she discovers secrets and lies among the blowing dust and tumbleweeds.

Don’t her books sound amazing?

Jane Moorman, Panorama, New Mexico State University Alumni & Friends Magazine says of Dorothy’s books, “Webb spins a story about the Navajo people much line Tony Hillerman–but from a woman’s point of view.”

Thank you, Dorothy. Can’t wait to read your series. Thanks, too, for being my first guest on Help From My Friends Friday!

~ Donnell




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