Donnell Ann BellDonnell Ann BellDonnell Ann BellDonnell Ann Bell

Geezer-lit: Older People Make Great Characters

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The first time I saw Mike Befeler in person, he was standing before a crowd at the Pikes Peak Writers Conference reading from an unpublished novel and had the group in stitches. The rest is history, as they say. Mike Befeler, in my mind, coined a genre called Geezer-lit. He’s funny, prolific, extremely creative and just so happens to have a new release. Please welcome, Mike Befeler to Help from My Friends Friday. ~ Donnell 

By Mike Befeler:

Most of the mystery novels I’ve written are affectionately called geezer-lit Headshot from Castle Rockmysteries because they feature older characters. My first six novels were the Paul Jacobson Geezer-lit Mystery Series. Then I bridged into a number of other types of books including a theater mystery, a historical mystery set on a railroad in the mountains of Colorado in 1919, a thriller based upon inventions of eccentric genius Nikola Tesla, a professional organizer mystery, two sports mysteries and a biography of a World War II veteran who was in the infantry in Europe, captured by the Germans and liberated by the Russians.

I’ve also written three paranormal mysteries. One was a private investigator mystery introducing a new type of shape-shifter called a transvictus (The VV Agency). My most recent book, The Front Wing, is a sequel to The Back Wing; these are both paranormal geezer-lit mysteries taking place in a retirement home with normal but snobby residents in the front wing and extraordinary but friendly residents in the back wing. And don’t believe the myth that vampires don’t age. They get older, move into retirement homes lose their teeth and gum people on the throat.

I originally decided to write paranormal mysteries because my agent at the time suggested I should read a few and consider writing one. Although the agent didn’t last long, the idea did, and I have enjoyed blending paranormal characters, older people and humor. Often paranormal characters are the bad guys, but mine are the good guys, and the “normal” people are the suspects.

Author Bio:  Mike Befeler is the author of seventeen books. He retired into writing after a 39-year business career. He holds a bachelor degree from Stanford and a masters degree from UCLA. He’s past president of the Rocky Mountain Chapter of Mystery Writers of America. Mike grew up in Hawaii, spent 38 years in Colorado and now resides in Lakewood, CA, with his wife Wendy. He can often be seen taking his 4-year-old grandson to the library and playground.

Author of The Front Wing, Paradise Court, Unstuff Your Stuff, Death of a Scam Artist, The Tesla Legacy, Court Trouble, the Paul Jacobson Geezer-lit Mystery Series, The Back Wing, The V V Agency, and The Best Chicken Thief in All of Europe

Mike Befeler

Now available.

51tWiPwy7VL. SX331 BO1204203200In this sequel to The Back Wing, Harold McCaffrey realizes this is his three month anniversary at Mountain Splendor Retirement Home. Harold helps at an open house by taking names for a waiting list of people wanting to move into the Front Wing of the facility. Afterwards, there is commotion and a dead body is found in the lobby. With the help of his witchy girlfriend, Bella Alred, and other unusual residents, Harold must solve the mystery of why people on the waiting list are getting injured and dying. And don’t believe the myth that vampires don’t age; they get older, move into retirement homes, lose their teeth and gum people on the throat.

Trade Paperback ISBN 978-1-948338-95-0

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