Donnell Ann BellDonnell Ann BellDonnell Ann BellDonnell Ann Bell

From Acting to Writing--What Took Me So Long?

hfmff masonryHappy Friday, friends: I love to attend writer/reader conferences. Gives me a chance to meet such interesting people. One such person is my delightful guest author today. Please welcome Author  Connie di Marco. ~ Donnell 

By Connie di Marco:

Connie di Marco

Author Connie di Marco

Today just happens to be release day for my fourth book in theZodiac Mysteries Serpent’s Doom.  And I have to pinch myself because I never thought I’d be a writer and I seriously doubted the first book in this series would ever see the light of day. 

I feel guilty saying this “out loud” to other writers, but writing never appealed to me as a career or an avocation.  I couldn’t imagine being stuck in front of a computer monitor, or a pad of paper, trying to come up with ideas to write about.  I’ve spent most of my adult life as an actress (with a day job) working in television, a few films, and Equity-waiver theater.  I’ve played nurses, moms, widows, secretaries, waitresses, a blackmailer, a street person, a victim of lawyers, even a cardiac surgeon.  You name it.  I never loved the “business” as some do.  I never thought the acting world was glamorous, believe me, but I did fall completely in love with the craft.  The work to create another human being, with her aspirations, her fears, her habits, her voice, her walk and posture, slipping into the skin of someone who doesn’t really exist was incredibly fascinating to me.  It was always an E-ticket ride. 

Looking back, I was also a huge mystery and thriller reader.  I cut my teeth on the classics – Agatha Christie, Dorothy Sayers, Ngaio Marsh, after Trixie Belden and Nancy Drew of course.  And on and on to all sorts of authors and genres for years.  Perhaps that’s where a budding desire to write stories first took root.  It wasn’t until I was stuck on the set of a miniseries (where my three scenes had been cut to one) playing a secretary who helps an undercover FBI agent posing as a Muslim terrorist fill out a job application, that everything changed. 

It was 105 degrees that day in a Hollywood parking lot.  My trailer was air-conditioned but parked dangerously close to an exit of the 101 freeway, separated only by a sagging chain link fence that wouldn’t have stopped a large cat.  I chose to sit in the heat, and as makeup was melting onto my lap, a light bulb went off and I wondered if I – me – if I could possibly write a mystery(?)  That was my goal — one book.  That’s all I envisioned. 

i chose to sit in the heat and as makeup was melting ontoIt was creative boredom that lit the fuse.  I gathered my courage and began to write that first book.  It took a couple of years and it was much harder, no, cancel that.  I knew it would be hard, but it was much harder than I anticipated.  That book became the first in the Zodiac Mysteries (The Madness of Mercury).  Was I thinking about a series?  Nope.  Certainly not.  This writing business was way too hard.  But then I found an agent and I was overjoyed.  I thought, ‘Wow!  Someone likes my book!’  Surely it will sell. 

Guess again.  No publisher wanted it.  But by now, I really believed in my concept and my protagonist, a San Francisco astrologer who solves crimes.  I was bitten by the writing bug.  So I forged ahead and wrote the next two books in that series.  What I learned was that writing allowed the creation of not just one character, but many, and a whole world to boot using only words.  I discovered the process of writing was just as fascinating as the first craft I fell in love with and I was hooked. 

Ten years have gone by since that light bulb went off, a culinary cozy series in between, and three publishers later, and finally, the Zodiac Mysteries are back and they will live on.  It’s been an incredible journey.  My only regret now is that I didn’t start writing much earlier! 

41ET2WmVtnL. SY346About the Book:

From Book 1: “Di Marco’s series starter features a clever plot and a smart and feisty heroine with feet firmly planted on the ground while she searches the stars.”
—Library Journal

San Francisco astrologer Julia Bonatti’s life is turned upside down when she becomes the target of the city’s newest cult leader, Reverend Roy of the Prophet’s Tabernacle. Driven out of her apartment in the midst of a disastrous Mercury retrograde period, she takes shelter with a client who’s caring for two elderly aunts. One aunt appears stricken with dementia and the other has fallen under the spell of the Reverend Roy. To add to the confusion, a young man claiming to be a long-lost nephew arrives. The longer he stays, the more dangerous things become. Is the young man truly a member of the family? Can astrology confirm that? Julia’s not sure, but one thing she does know is that Mercury wasn’t merely the messenger of the gods—he was a trickster and a liar as well.

About the Author: Connie di Marco is the author of the Zodiac Mysteries from Suspense Publishing, featuring San Francisco astrologer Julia Bonatti who never thought murder would be part of her practice: The Madness of Mercury (Book 1), All Signs Point to Murder (Book 2), Tail of the Dragon (Book 3), Enter a Wizard, Stage Left (an e-book prequel novella) and Serpent’s Doom (Book 4).

You can learn more about the Zodiac Mysteries and read excerpts at Connie’s website (, and Twitter @AskZodia.

Writing as Connie Archer, she is also the author of the national bestselling Soup Lover’s Mysteries from Penguin Random House: A Spoonful of Murder, A Broth of Betrayal, A Roux of Revenge, Ladle to the Grave and A Clue in the Stew. You can find her excerpts and recipes in The Cozy Cookbook and The Mystery Writers of America Cookbook. Visit her website at and Twitter@SnowflakeVT.

Connie is a member of Crime Writers Association (UK) Mystery Writers of America, International Thriller Writers and Sisters in Crime.

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Connie di Marco
Connie di Marco
2 years ago
Reply to  Donnell

Hi Donnell ~ thanks for inviting me over! One thing that has come a little easier for writing is dialogue (all those improv exercises). All the best to you too!

2 years ago

so nice to learn more about you!

2 years ago
Reply to  Vicki

Hi Vicki! Thanks for stopping by. I don’t often share this story, but I’m glad you enjoyed it.

Steve Rush
Steve Rush
2 years ago

Hi Connie. Thank you for sharing. Serpent’s Doom sounds interesting. I look forward to reading it.

2 years ago
Reply to  Steve Rush

Hi Steve ~ I really hope you enjoy Julia’s latest adventure!

2 years ago

What a great story! I love that you created your first idea for a mystery in the heat and that you use an astrologer. I love astrology and can’t wait to read your books.

2 years ago
Reply to  Valerie

Hi Valerie ~ yes, it’s a story from my (probably misguided) past. But looking back, I do think it’s the moment I decided to try my hand at a mystery. If anyone had told me then that I would be writing two series, I would have thought they were crazy. But I am very glad I did!

2 years ago

A perfect detail too: makeup melting.

2 years ago
Reply to  Valerie

True! Thank heavens there are makeup ladies on sets. I’d never have been able to handle it otherwise. LOL! So glad you could stop by, Valerie!

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