Donnell Ann BellDonnell Ann BellDonnell Ann BellDonnell Ann Bell

ChatGPT, AI and Adding my Thoughts

By: Donnell Ann Bell

Recently a controversy hit social media, and dare I say the world, over Ai and Chat GPT. I’ve been traveling nonstop but even as checked out as I was, I couldn’t ignore when organizations such as International Thriller Writers and The Authors Guild raised an awareness that technology such as Chat GPT could be problematic for authors.

bigstock Ai Chat Gpt Programmer Coding 468764147Some writers are celebrating Ai and Chat GPT, saying it will allow them to produce faster. In such a saturated market, Ai and Chat GPT will help them stay competitive.

Needless to say, I am not in line with this thinking. I believe in human creativity and resiliency–in effect challenging myself to take an idea and see if I can carry it through to completion. Do I use Google, Safari, Bing, and Wikipedia? As a starting place, yes. However, inaccuracies abound on the internet. Not only do I check and double check my facts before I finish a novel, I seek out human experts to ensure my research is correct. Moreover, human beings often bring to the discussion a richness and insight metadata cannot replicate.

Author Gay Yellen is a blog partner of mine over at The Stiletto Gang The Brave New World of AI | The Stiletto Gang

In responding to Gay’s blog, I wrote, “The Authors Guild and International Thriller Writers are concerned about the ramifications of AI and Chat GPT. An attorney for one of the organizations said that fact finding is not an issue, e.g. asking how many floors in the Empire State building is okay. Asking for a written description and using it is not. Another comment claimed AI also may be totally inaccurate since AI harvests from the internet, including social media.

As an author I work hard not to plagiarize and to write my own books. What’s to say if AI mimics authors and their voices that that doesn’t amount to plagiarizing? Interesting too, Google and Microsoft complained about a competitors release, then released their versions anyway because of fear of competition. Before automobiles are released they at least go through safety checks, crash dummy simulation and more. Moreover, there are consumer advocate groups reporting on their success or failures–and still automobiles are being recalled.

Do Google, Microsoft, ChatGPT have such mechanisms in place? Finally, I do not trust the information I get from the Internet; and it will take an avalanche of positive feedback for me to trust Ai.”

Author Amy Liz Talley once commented, “I am a writer doing business, not a business doing writing.”  I can’t tell you how much I admire and agree with this statement. I will close out my thoughts on the subject by adding, “I write my own books.”

About the Author:  Leaving international thrillers to world travelers, Donnell Ann Bell concentrates on suspense that might happen in her neck of the woods – writing SUSPENSE TOO CLOSE TO HOME. Traditionally published she has written four Amazon standalone bestsellers as well as a Cold Case series, Black Pearl and Until Dead. Currently, she’s working on book three of the series.






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