Donnell Ann BellDonnell Ann BellDonnell Ann BellDonnell Ann Bell



Acting, Writing & Interior Design: The Many Facets of Author Marsha R. West

Welcome to my Friday blog, everyone. Marsha R. West has been my good friend for a lot of years. I’m…

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The Lure of Romantic Thrillers

Friday again? Why, yes, it is. I always look forward to hosting K.D. Richards on HFMFF. For so many reasons,…

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About Writing, Life, & Yoga: Do Your Practice

Happy Friday, friends and welcome to HFMF. I can’t tell you how much I admire today’s guest. She’s not only…

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Character Interviews: Useful Tool in Fiction Writing

One of the most important aspects of fiction writing is getting to know our characters. Some find character interviews effective.…

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Including Children & Animals in Books

Welcome to Help from My friends Friday. Children and animals are adorable, aren’t they? As authors we create, then fall…

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Muse Control: Staying in the Lane with your Story

Muse Control: Like driving a car, I put my hands on the wheel (title) knowing I’m heading for the store (goal). To me, it’s a small thing, but a critical first step in my writing process....

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