Donnell Ann BellDonnell Ann BellDonnell Ann BellDonnell Ann Bell



What Fiction Writers Can Learn from Basketball

What Fiction Writers Can Learn from Basketball by Scott Gordon. The reviews are in and they're stunningly good. Chris Rock blurbs, " “Head Fake is about how laughter can save us." —Chris Rock, comedian, actor...

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Interview with Lois Winston

Lois Winston's 13th Anastasia Pollack Amateur Sleuth Mystery, Sorry Knot Sorry, will soon be available. We've been critique partners for many years. I ask her the questions I've always wanted to know in my interview. Join us!...

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The Wheels of Publishing

Donnell returns from her hiatus to promote her critique partner Lois Winston's' 12th release and two of Donnell's books on sale! What does publishing have to do with Wheels on the Bus? Read on!...

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Novel Ideas for Novels

Bowen Gillings is an award-winning author writing to bring the world more fun. Don't believe me? Check out A Night to Remember on Amazon. After you stop laughing, you'll be convinced. Oh, he also has a new book out called First Family, (And I do mean the FIRST family.) Read on....

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Why I Write this Stuff

Happy Friday, friends, and welcome to almost 2023! My guest today is the sensational M. R. Dimond. Now as editor,…

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Donnell’s audiobooks are available through and other major online booksellers!