Donnell Ann BellDonnell Ann BellDonnell Ann BellDonnell Ann Bell



The New Neighbor: Just Like Me

What are the chances a fellow mystery writer would not only move into my neighborhood, but across the street? I detail how I met Author Bailey Herrington and how he's become a treasured friend....

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The First Modern Police Officer

How far back should historians go to study police procedure? And who exactly is credited as the first Modern Police Officer? My guest Author Judy Willmore gives a fascinating history lesson with two very different perspectives.....

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Ripped from the Headlines

Greetings, friends, and welcome to my Friday blog. I met today’s guest at Left Coast Crime earlier this year and…

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Forever an Investigator

Author George Cramer joins me to talk about how his law enforcement career in investigating turned to volunteerism. A fascinating look on a man who makes a difference....

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Character Interviews: Useful Tool in Fiction Writing

One of the most important aspects of fiction writing is getting to know our characters. Some find character interviews effective.…

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Story Ideas: An Indefinable Process

Friday.  Donnell called upon one of the most disciplined, prolific authors she knows to…

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