Donnell Ann BellDonnell Ann BellDonnell Ann BellDonnell Ann Bell

Help From My Friends Friday


Cursive is Cool and a Contest to Prove it

Forensic Handwriting Expert Sheila Lowe visits my blog to stress why cursive is making a comeback in 26 U.S. states so far. Further, the American Handwriting Foundation is sponsoring a contest open to grade school children in the U.S. and Canada. Read on for more information....

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My Impetus for Writing Fiction

Author James L’Etoile never thought about writing novels, screenplays and short stories. Until one spark changed all that. Learn why this award-winning author turned to fiction after a 29-year successful law enforcement career....

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Why I Love Writing the Cozy Mystery Series

Marilyn Levinson writing as Allison Brook returns to my blog and Help From My Friends Friday. Why does she love writing the cozy mystery series? She has her reasons. Read on....

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Tips for Writing a Series

Interested in writing a series? Author Michael Black along with his alter egos has written six in his career. Where to begin? Develop a Likable Character followed by a Character Bible. There's so much more, so read on!...

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Desired Traits of the FBI Sniper

John "JJ" Robinson was a FBI Special Agent for 28 years. For 16 of those years he was an Operator, Sniper and Sniper Team Leader in the San Francisco Division FBI SWAT Team. ...

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When Water and Walls Speak

T.K Thorne is my blog partner on The Stiletto Gang. I love how she sees the world and compares most of it to her writing life. A beautiful blog from a gifted writer....

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