Donnell Ann BellDonnell Ann BellDonnell Ann BellDonnell Ann Bell

Help From My Friends Friday


Constance Gillam on Help From my Friends Friday

Readers, I met the talented Constance Gillam years ago when we worked together on the Daphne du Maurier Award for…

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Interview with Sr. ATF Agent Cynthia Beebe

  Readers, I have just finished an extraordinary biography, Boots in the Ashes, Busting Bombers, Arsonists and Outlaws as a Trailblazing…

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Romantic Journey in a Mystery?

Today I’m pleased to host my friend and former critique partner on Help From My Friends Friday. She’s also a…

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Spouse and Co-Authors: Til Death Do Us Part

Readers: I can’t tell you how excited I am to promote First Cut. It’s such a fantastic thriller. Moreover, the…

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A Human Truth Detector in a Mystery Series?

I met the sensational Wendy Delaney some years ago at Left Coast Crime in Portland, Oregon. I’m a fan of…

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Geezer-lit: Older People Make Great Characters

The first time I saw Mike Befeler in person, he was standing before a crowd at the Pikes Peak Writers…

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