Donnell Ann BellDonnell Ann BellDonnell Ann BellDonnell Ann Bell

Help From My Friends Friday


What Book am I Talking about?

My longtime friend Annette Dashofy joins me on Help From my Friends Friday. This woman has a problem. I call it Frazzled Author Syndrome. She tells us all about it in her wonderful blog: What book am I talking about?...

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A Look Back on a Writing Career

Marilyn Levinson guests blogs on Help From My Friends Friday. She's writing book eight in her Haunted Library series, publishing her backlist, participating in an anthology and more. Take a look at how she got here. Some profound insights, advice, and perseverance....

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Is Anything Still a Secret?

James M. Jackson, Author of the Seamus McCree series has a new release out entitled Hijacked Legacy this week. I almost missed my plane because of this man I was so engrossed in one of his books. Can't wait to read this one....

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From Cozies to Police Procedurals

Clearly, Author Kassandra Lamb is up to the challenge in writing a new series. The challenge? Moving on from Cozies to Police Procedurals. ...

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Our Fascination with Cold Cases

No one is more qualified to pen this article than my esteemed guest today. Why are we fascinated with Cold Cases? Stacey Pearson talks about the John Tessier case, the roller coaster investigation behind it and his wrongful conviction....

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Killer Secrets by Kathleen Donnelly

Author Kathleen Donnelly returns to my blog talk about Killer Secrets and the "What Ifs" behind it....

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