Donnell Ann BellDonnell Ann BellDonnell Ann BellDonnell Ann Bell



Writer for Hire - The Multi-Author Series

Welcome back to Help From My Friends Friday. My wonderful entrepreneurial friend Catherine Dilts joins me today to talk about…

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It's My Release Date!

Ask anyone what "Release Date" means, particularly in the publishing world, and chances are they'll answer, "the date an author's book comes out." And for all intents and purposes they'd be correct. For me, however, "Release Date" means more--much more....

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Forever an Investigator

Author George Cramer joins me to talk about how his law enforcement career in investigating turned to volunteerism. A fascinating look on a man who makes a difference....

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Character Interviews: Useful Tool in Fiction Writing

One of the most important aspects of fiction writing is getting to know our characters. Some find character interviews effective.…

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Including Children & Animals in Books

Welcome to Help from My friends Friday. Children and animals are adorable, aren’t they? As authors we create, then fall…

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An Interview with Allison Brennan: Born Writing

Welcome to a new segment on my blog, Interview Alley. I enjoy conducting guest/expert interviews, but they occasionally get lost…

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Where to Buy Donnell's Books

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Donnell’s audiobooks are available through and other major online booksellers!