Donnell Ann BellDonnell Ann BellDonnell Ann BellDonnell Ann Bell

#amwriting #amreading


Realizing Dream Includes Hard Work & Healthy Perspective

If you’re a member of the human race, chances are you have hopes and dreams. Still, I can always count…

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Muse Control: Staying in the Lane with your Story

Muse Control: Like driving a car, I put my hands on the wheel (title) knowing I’m heading for the store (goal). To me, it’s a small thing, but a critical first step in my writing process....

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Left Coast Crime Convention 2022 in Albuquerque

The 32nd annual Left Coast Crime Convention will take place in Albuquerque, New Mexico, April 7–10, 2022. This year’s Guests of Honor are authors Mick Herron and Catriona McPherson. Kristopher Zgorski is the s the Fan Guest of Honor, and author Kellye Garrett will serve as Toastmaster. ...

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Pseudonym Pros and Cons

So that brings me to the present and the pros and cons of having multiple pseudonyms. I’ve already mentioned the one – and maybe only – pro. No reader confusion....

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Inspiration: Setting Goals One Step at a Time

His funny "Les" stories have often made it onto Facebook where people tell me they belong in a book. I mentioned he's absentminded. Here's one that made it into a post....

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Finding My Roots AKA Paying Homage

It’s Friday! You know what that means. It’s my day to get input from my friends. As someone who is…

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Donnell’s audiobooks are available through and other major online booksellers!