Donnell Ann BellDonnell Ann BellDonnell Ann BellDonnell Ann Bell

Buried Agendas on Sale May 1-15, 2020

Dear Readers:

I just learned that my fourth romantic suspense, Buried Agendas goes on sale on all digital outlets May 1st through the 15 for  $.99!. Wow, that’s a substantial discount!

What’s the book about?Buried agendas graphic

Before I tell you more, perhaps I should tell you the story behind the story. I’m married to a chemical engineer and I would listen to his trials and tribulations about his job, how he had to conform to company policy and EPA regulations (and rightfully so).

There’s nothing more intriguing to a writer than addressing a problem, and one day it came to me. What would happen if a chemical was created that never should have been? Worse, what if said chemical had been banned by the EPA?

I learned from a very generous EPA Regional Director that that very scenario does happen, and she sent me volumes of documentation to prove it.

As an author, my job is not to preach to you, but to tell my characters’ story. So, voila! I had my idea and an EXPERT at my disposal. Until I passed the idea onto my husband and he groaned. “I work around chemicals all day, the last thing I want is to come home and talk about chemicals with my wife.”

A roadblock, ugh. Every author faces them. So, what did I do? I went around him. I contacted his friends. Some very smart people, including chemists, plant managers, and an underground tank expert. Then I contacted someone else, an investigative reporter—the works! And Buried Agendas came to life.

What’s Buried Agendas about? Here goes:

Diana Reid is an investigative reporter skilled at uncovering other people’s secrets. It’s her own she works to keep buried. Years ago, she promised to leave her fiancé and hometown of Diamond Texas forever. That pledge vanishes when she receives a letter stating people are going to die, implicating Diamond’s largest employer, and making a veiled threat against her mother. With no other choice, Diana will return to Diamond, albeit in disguise, to discover the anonymous author.

Brad Jordan moved on after Diana left him. Leaving his brother in charge of the family business, Brad pursued a law degree and is now mayor of Diamond. Just as he rebuilt his life, he plans to rebuild Diamond. Those plans are jeopardized with Diana’s’ return. Still, when he discovers her in Diamond, he’s forced to admit she’s the only person who can help him get at the truth. Together this estranged couple faces a dangerous adversary—one who’s only intent is to keep a deadly agenda—buried.

Excited as I am? I hope so! And Buried Agendas is on sale on all digital platforms from May 1 through May 15, 2020.

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