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Author Takes Side Gig as Podcast Host

hfmff masonry e1654841038480The last time Author Marie Sutro visited, she was here to promote her award-winning series and latest book release.  Little did we know she’d be adding a new hat to her professional wardrobe. She’s here to provide an update. Please welcome Marie Sutro ~ Donnell

Author Accepts Side Gig as Podcast Host

By Marie Sutro

Sometimes our passions lead us into doing things we never knew we’d enjoy. I had always dreamed of being an author, but I’d never once thought I would end up hosting a podcast. Yet here I am, an author with a side gig as a podcast host­—a side gig it turns out that I love. (It’s kinda similar to the way I’ve always loved cats and thought I’d only ever have one at a time…but now have three.)

Anyone who has ever read my work knows it tends toward the dark side. Exploring the truths hidden in the shadows of the human psyche is at the root of what I write. I seek to serve up an entertaining read while allowing the reader to probe the darkness with me.

Twisted Passages Marie Sutro

Author and Podcast Host Marie Sutro

Last year, I was honored when Authors on the Air Global Radio Network approached me to host a new podcast. Me…behind a microphone…hosting a show? The introverted bookworm in me wasn’t thrilled at the prospect. She made it very clear we had taken the whole public facing thing quite far enough with the author stuff.

It was difficult to form a response in the middle of her adamant rant. Luckily, it didn’t last long. Learning the show could focus on my favorite genre was the brightly colored lollipop that lured her out from the rock under which she had tightly wedged herself.

After all, psychological thrillers are a chart topping love of mine. How could I pass up the chance to dive deep into the dark and compelling world of psychological thrillers with the authors who write them? Thus, Twisted Passages was born.

The show will be coming up on its one year anniversary in October. It’s been an absolute joy in so many ways. Don’t get me wrong. It does require more juggling with my writing schedule, and there is work required to schedule and produce each show, but my Type A side is up to the task!

The best part is how much the show does for me. Not only does it appease my reader heart by allowing me to chat with awesome authors, but as an author, talking to other authors about their work is one of the best ways to get excited about your own. Like reading, writing is a solitary pursuit befitting introverted personalities. Yet, too much time in one’s head is never a healthy proposition. Getting to chat with people I admire provides a morale boosting shot in the arm, renewing my passion for the craft. I often finish an interview chomping at the bit to sit down at my keyboard and log more word count.

Meanwhile, I continue to be honored by each new author who joins me for a chat. It’s important for me that Twisted Passages is a place where listeners can discover new talent and/or savor existing favorites. Whether it’s New York Times, International, and/or USA Today bestselling authors, to debut authors riding high on their new release, and everyone in between, the show is meant for readers and writers who love good stories and good conversations.

I’m thrilled to say the episodes that have been released to date have included authors from all of these career stages. Since wonderful authors can be found all over the globe, Twisted Passages has also featured authors from the UK, Finland, Sweden, Canada, and Australia, with more to come.

whether its new york times international andor usa today 1As for the podcasts I listen to, I am a bit of an omnivore. That said, my go-tos tend to be crime and writing related. Much to the proof of my husband’s patience, my favorite TV shows and movies tend to fall into the same categories.

Stories, like all forms of art, tell us about ourselves—who we are as individuals, as a species, and where we might be going. I love exploring those concepts through the books I read, those that I write, and those I talk about with people who craft them.

Here I sit in gratitude for my side gig—first to Authors on the Air for challenging my inner introvert with this great opportunity and for supporting me through this process, second to the past and future guests of Twisted Passages who wish to explore with me, and third to all the listeners who come to share the experience. While I may be an author and a podcaster, at my core I’m a bookworm who loves good stories and wants to share them.

About the Author: Marie Sutro is an award-winning and bestselling crime fiction author. Born and raised in the San Francisco Bay Area, her writing is inspired by three generations of family service in the San Francisco Police.

In 2018, she won the IBPA Benjamin Franklin Award for the Best New Voice in Fiction for her debut novel, Dark Associations. In 2022, she won Best Suspense in the Authors on the Air Book of the Year Awards for her newest novel, Dark Obsessions.

Marie serves on the board of Bouchercon and is a past Vice President of her local chapter of Sisters in Crime. She resides in Northern California with her husband and three well-loved felines.




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Marie Sutro
Marie Sutro
3 months ago
Reply to  Donnell

Thank you, I hope you enjoy it as much as I do! Twisted Passages is available everywhere. To listen, you can find it wherever you find your favorite podcasts, or you can watch on You Tube.

3 months ago

So interesting, but how sad that there is enough darkness in the human pysche to inspire an unending stream of scary books by Marie Sutro (et al)!

Marie Sutro
Marie Sutro
3 months ago
Reply to  Galit

True! As I poke around in the darkness, I do so with the goal of finding the light of hope that promises a better future for all of us.

Marie Sutro
Marie Sutro
3 months ago

Thank you for letting me join you today, Donnell!! It’s such an honor to return to Help From My Friends!!

3 months ago

Great post! I love your show! You’ve expanded my TBR list! 😀

Marie Sutro
Marie Sutro
2 months ago
Reply to  Donnell

That’s the nice thing about podcasts. You can always catchup whenever and wherever it works for you. Even while waiting in line at DMV! 😉

Marie Sutro
Marie Sutro
2 months ago
Reply to  Kathleen

So glad you are enjoying it!! It sure has expanded my TBR list, too! 😉

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