Donnell Ann BellDonnell Ann BellDonnell Ann BellDonnell Ann Bell

A Funny Thing Happened . . .

. . . On my way to writing my next book. My husband decided to retire, wanted to relocate; my mother needed additional help, and three grandchildren popped up literally in three years.

With the theme of SUSPENSE TOO CLOSE TO HOME, people shouldn’t be surprised I’m all about family. Even so, my designation of writer had to be shoved temporarily aside, along with my manuscript, while the title of wife, daughter, mom, and grandmother took aim something like this.

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The good news is I’m back. Last week I turned in my fifth suspense to my publisher and now await copy edits, title, release dates and more. (I’ll keep you posted).

So, did we relocate? We did. To Las Cruces, New Mexico. With the happy caveat I can travel back and forth to Colorado as often as I wish. Do I like Las Cruces? Very much so.

Sunset in Las Cruces

Land of Enchantment sunset

Cactus on A Mountain

Cactus blooming on “A” Mountain

Finally, I’ve been part of many group blogs, but a private blog is new for me. (So is WordPress, so bear with me.) One thing I plan to incorporate is author interviews to talk about new releases and to introduce you to author friends and others whose books I admire.

Welcome to July. If you’re traveling, please buckle up, no texting while driving, and watch out for the other guy. Let’s keep the suspense fictional.

~ Donnell


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