Donnell Ann BellDonnell Ann BellDonnell Ann BellDonnell Ann Bell

Dialogue: A Writer's Best Friend

We’ve all been there. Stuck in a business or social setting where someone asks a question or makes a statement expecting a reply, and we’ve got nothing. I’ve been at events like these, and on Friday I travel to Book Club. I can’t tell you what an honor it is to be invited to visit with readers about the characters and background that went into creating a novel. Still, I imagine someone will stump me and I’ll have an inevitable tongue-tied moment. It happens.

After all, it’s not like in a book where I have time to think aSteve Uvegas Susan Schnee Donnell Ann Bell Chris Uvegasbout what my characters will say or how they’ll react. Something witty that will advance the plot might look like it took the author just a few seconds, when in truth it might have taken hours—even several drafts to get that scene just right.

Wouldn’t it be something if when we’re caught in those awkward moments, we could raise a finger and say, “Be right back,” race to our keyboard and come up with the perfect reply?

I can dream, can’t I? After all, I write fiction, and the only time my characters are tongue-tied in a book is when I need them to be. Otherwise, they always know exactly what to say. Dialogue, a writer’s best friend.




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5 years ago

There were no “stumping” or tongue-tied moments with you at Book Club last night, Donnell. Only inspiring conversation and heart-warming stories. Thank you for joining us and giving us a peek into a writer’s world.
PS Next month’s selection is “The Past Came Hunting.”

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